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HomeNFLPhinsider Question Of The Day: Most Overrated Edition

Phinsider Question Of The Day: Most Overrated Edition


a game official, media commentator, reporter, etc., who is biased in favor of the home team: I really respect that this ref is not a homer—he’s objective about his calls, even though he wants us to win.

That’s the official definition of homer, but I also apply it to us—the fans who are so rabid that they regularly visit a Miami Dolphins fan blog. The result of being a rabid fan is that you become a homer, which causes every one of us to favor players on our team and maybe even overrate them, having lost some of our objectivity, but even the most die-hard of fans have a player that they would rather not have on the team or that they believe other fans “overrate.”

So, tonight’s question of the day is: Who do you believe is the most “overrated” player on the Miami Dolphins roster? This can be overrated by the fans or the media or even fans of other teams or players of other teams.

Please give us your thoughts and answers in the comments section-